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Animation, animation, animation. It exists, really. You just don't realize it's there.

For example, in math class the other day, my ears pricked up to the words of peers:
"I have a Dopey shirt at home."
"I'm pretty sure I have a Grumpy one."
Plus 1 to the animation realm.

Or during lunch:
"Remember when my sister (really me) used to be super obsessed with Dora?"
"I KNOW! Remember, the Wiggles? I heard one of them passed away from a heart attack. I was really sad."
Plus 2. I deem The Wiggles animated characters.

And the most beautiful exemplification of the existence of animation is through my BFF, Laura. The following pictures reveal her consciousness to preserve her childhood memories and her zest to simply let loose to unveil her true self. Thanks, Laura, for being a great sport and a wonderful friend.

All photos are credited to either her, Karen or Isha.

Laura smiles in bliss, clutching her jar housing home-made cookies, during Visual Arts class. She dressed up with immense creativity as "The Cookie Monster" from Sesame Street for Halloween; however, unlike the selfish blue, she delightedly shared her cookies with her peers.

Leaping into the air, showing off her kung fu skills, Laura truly skulked into the skin of the character she masqueraded for a day.

Manifesting true friendship, the Cookie Monster stands with Sonya, portraying the crimson, fuzzy bundle of adorableness, Elmo.

During Spirit Week, Laura shows freshman pride and her devotion to The Incredibles by dashing faster than the speed of light.

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