

That one word produces excessive joy and sheer happiness. Without the avalanche of homework (well, I'll defer it to the weekend), I can truly enjoy television, especially in a peaceful and relaxed manner. After watching the last bit of Oprah in which my beloved Kelly Clarkson appeared, I flipped the channel as usual. People tend to hate watching TV with me since I can never decide on a single channel and always continue the "flipping ritual." But today marked a change. I gravitated towards KQED where I became hooked for a splendid half-hour, watching Arthur.

Yes, you laugh, but I received a chance to remember my childhood first-hand. Today's episode described "Binky," the band, not the crazed ballerina. Remember the "wee-o, wee-o, wee-o, wee-o, wee-o?" Or "Crazy bus"?

Personally, I don't think it's a "kiddy" show. Believe me, It's far from that. Possessing some core principles to govern one's life in a beautiful way, Arthur shows me simplicity in the world, which we make so overwhelmingly complex.

Just now I watched a segment of News with Jim Lehrer. We all think the problems we possess is the worst, right? But a video created by students in South Carolina reveals how students cannot pursue their dreams since they're more concerned about whether they would have food everyday or even sleep in their one-room house, which they consider a blessing.

Think. Just stop and think. Don't we make life complex? We're so fortunate...and yet, it's hard to see, sometimes. And I think Arthur is that marvelous looking glass into who we are and what we believe in.


  1. hhhhahaaa! thats why watching those kiddy shows on disney channel always depresses me -- they're all new! and have weird kinds of animation!! no more old fashioned cartoon network type of entertainment! =[
    btw, do you remember cow and chicken!?
    or what about ed, edd, and eddie?

    and omg i also remember bionic bunny
    arthur defined my childhood :D
