"I'm strong to the finish when I eats me spinach"

Spinach and animation. Interesting combination, huh? After reading Brian's comment to my post yesterday, I felt inspired to explore the influence of what some consider the most atrocious vegetable on the face of the Earth.

D.W's garnering a hatred for spinach resonated with me, and as this episode, "D.W, The Picky Eater," progressed, I understood the same feelings she possessed. I remember during the prime of my youth that restaurant visits had become a NIGHTMARE. Due to my fuss, my parent's embarrassment ensued and the gawking from other customers.

Agreeing with the comment, I felt awed after observing D.W.'s miraculous transformation. "[She showed] the world that you will get to love food if you just try it," Brian said. The episode did urge me to give this dreaded green one last chance. Which FAILED.

I know these animated shows aim for the well-being of children. Examine Popeye's mighty statement: "I'm strong to the finish when I eats me spinach." After gulping the slimy green, he gained an excessively muscular body, which probably inspired NOT ONLY little children but also adults to eat spinach to become the handsome superheros they secretly admire and worship. According to Paul Wells, author of Understanding Animation, Popeye raised spinach consumption in the U.S. by 33% between 1931 to 1936.

Well, I'm sure I can never view spinach in the same light again. Maybe at least with a less resounding "BLEGH."
To Beckie: Rocket Powers will come up soon! :)


  1. hahah! thanks for the shoutout!! and I actually LOVE spinach =D...weird huh? and I loved how Popeye's girlfriend was named Olive...just like in Little Miss Sunshine; who knew that was such a popular name?

  2. haha, I remember my mom used to make me watch Popeye in the hopes of getting me to love spinach- yeah, not happening

    but i love your post! :)

  3. AWW again
    this is such a good idea
    cause everyone can relate
    especially me!
    you bring me back to my little childhood days hehe

    i remember i always thought it was kind of weird that he liked spinach so much...

  5. I love this post. I think I remember the Arthur show you are talking about concerning D.W. Is that where she eats spinach disguised in a pie or something like that. That actually inspired me to eat spinach.
