"Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work we go"

Ah, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! My Disney obsession had stemmed from just this one movie along with an intense adoration for Dopey (you know, the cute, clumsy one?). It also generated ideas useful to lead one's life in a better way.

I flipped to the rather innocent KQED one night to find Woody Allen saying the following:

"Even as a kid I always went for the wrong women. When we went to see Snow White, everyone fell in love with Snow White, and I immediately fell for the wicked queen."

HAHAHAHA. Well, in case you were curious, the dialogue that followed swiftly prompted me to grab the remote and change the channel. KQED's innocence could no longer be trusted.

But I appeared amazed that this movie had been hibernating in a dark abyss: the dustiest part of my brain. I nearly forgot its existence and its influence in shaping me as the person I am today.

Little children, like Woody Allen, enjoyed the romantic aspect of the movie. The shining prince, the beautiful Snow White, and the horrendous step-mother. Yup, these three elements, and love is sure to blossom.

Looking back, I think I enjoyed the dwarfs more. They came in all shapes, colors, and flavors with their individual personality shining through. Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, and DOPEY. They revealed the facets of human personality and the conflictions within each. It manifested how we need to suppress some of these rather negative qualities (like Grumpy), lead life optimistically, and see light at the end of the tunnel.

We possess all these dwarfs within us. Literally. And perhaps, with this notion we can explain the many happenings and mood swings humans experience. Maybe even better than psychology class.
P.S. Weekends = movie time! :D

1 comment:

  1. Be careful posting Disney images without their permission. Otherwise nice writing about the dwarfs.
