The Japanese and animation

"There's millions of them!"

Of course, the anonymous person did not intend the statement to appear racist. And, moreover, we all seemed amazed by the presence of the Japanese orchestra that arrived today to provide a stellar performance.

I think that people view the Japanese differently due to their unique and distinct culture and language. Even their animation, for example, has dominated the world from our beloved Pokemon to Sailor Moon!

Well, okay, Sailor Moon is just plain annoying now. Since manga (the comic books people love to read, almost like an unhealthy addiction) consists of several chapters with gradual plot-building, it's really, really hard to follow.

If I were to watch the show again I'd be more confused than ever. I don't even know how I liked that show when I was little. I mean, all I remember is that Sailor Moon had a black cat and fought evil.

Heh heh. That's a little pathetic considering my rich recounts of other shows.

HOWEVER, Sailor Moon is definately not a good example of all the anime out there. Just last year, I watched some of Vampire Night, which turned out to be AMAZING! But once again, because of the chapters, you have to start from the very beginning, and it progresses rather slowly.

I shall go to my Japanese class tomorrow with gusto. :D


  1. omgomgomg

    the epitome of my childhood :D

  2. hahaha i'm like you...i could never really get into the anime shows...but i can quote scooby doo like nobody's business!

  3. surprisingly, I never got into Sailor Moon, but I remember my brother being OBSESSED with DragonBall Z!!! they had the craziest hair!

  4. Oh my god. I still remember that of the few episodes I had used to watch, I liked Sailor Pluto, Salor Venus, and Sailor Neptune the best. Though I though that Sailor Mars was pretty cool.

    i can't stand any other anime.

  6. I don't know about anyone else, but I loved Sailor Moon. It was my own Westernized version of anime! I can probably still sing the theme song. But yea, that's where my anime tract ended.
