"Get out of my la-BORE-a-torrey"

His name: Dexter

Sibling: Dee Dee (he hates her really - probably more like foreign cousin?)

Hero: Major Glory

Description: Boy Genius

Arch Nemesis: Mandark

Dextor's Lab-BORE-a-torrey provided me with many, many, many laughs. Specifically, Dee Dee. Oh how I love her.

Partly because 1. she's freakishly disproportionate 2. she looks like Bubbles from the PowerPuff Girls 3. she's cooler than Dexter since she possesses a different kind of smartness: outwitting Dexter in a rather stupid way because Dexter is stupid in a way 4. she looks like Bubbles from the PowerPuff Girls.

Teehee Mandark has a crush on Dee Dee.

Dee Dee is 5 times taller than Dexter.

Dexter has a weird lip gloss tangerine-colored hair. (English class x] )

I remember feeling bad for Dexter. :'( He appears lonely and friendless due to his supreme intelligence. He's also super duper awkward, and his sister, who can clearly make your IQ points drop, beats him in athletics, common sense, and just life in general. Moreover, his father favors his sister, and his mother incessantly embarrasses him. And his arch nemesis attempts to take credit for all of his creations.

This guy's got it tough. Are kids supposed to feel depressed by this show?



And yet, I STILL LAUGH. x]


  1. This show was so silly but entertaining. I actually favor Dexter, just as I root for Tom over Jerry.

  2. YESSSSS!!
